Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Hi. I'm Tina, and sometimes I write letters to inanimate objects. Don't judge me! I see you there, Judgey McJudgenstein! You can just scoot right along. Ya hear?

Dear Basil,

I'm sorry to say I'm breaking up with you. Our relationship just wasn't working out. See, I wanted more from you besides your delicious leaves for my dinner. I also wanted a good listener, a bar-hopping buddy for Friday nights, and mutual understanding. You wanted... water. I'm sorry, but I just can't commit like that.




Samantha said...

Hahaha this really made me giggle! I mean, I stumble across your blog from your shop expecting little posts about zomby cacti and the likes and instead I find a hilarious letter to Mr. Basil! Thank you for making me smile :)

Samantha xx

Sue McGettigan said...

LOL Tina, too funny - poor Basil, you broke his heart!