Monday, December 03, 2007

An Ornament Preview

I've been making some ornaments with microscope slides in several different shapes and sizes. I learned to solder with lead, but being that ornaments can last a long time I decided to use lead-free solder on these. This way if they are handled often, or heaven forbid are chewed on by children, there will be no harm done. Well... besides the usual harm that chewing glass would cause- I mean there would be no lead poisioning! I ate more than one ornament as a child, so I'm looking out for the health of other ornament eaters out there, but that is a story for another day! I've made several of these for gifts, so I won't show those to you, but this little one is for my tree. More to come! Thanks for stopping by :)


Lisa Renéa said...

WoWeee! Tina-ya gotta change the name of this blog to Creative Genius-this is amazing!! I wish my soldering looked so good. btw...i've never eaten an ornament-my thing was newspaper-weird, huh?

Donna Layton said...

I'm with LR on the "creative genius" thing. You just run the gamut of ability. It's amazing. I've been wanting to solder for about 3 years now and I honestly keep forgetting about it! Pathetic I know.
Also, I see you started annoying your mother at a very young age. Knowing your mother was "older" when she had you as I was "older" when I had Jackson, I KNOW for a fact how annoying it would be to have a stinking kid who eats ornaments!

Godelieve said...


Tracy said...

wow miss t - that's beautiful and i love that image! i haven't soldered since i was in school and i just haven't gotten around to trying it again. i think i shall skip it and enjoy looking at yours :-)
and i can't believe you ATE an ornament. you are gonna have to tell that story honey cos i'm just dumbfounded... how does one do that? LOL

Kerilou said...

That vintage photo is adorable! Love this ornament...Keri